About Us

We are residents, homeowners, business owners, fishermen and visitors of the New Jersey coastal communities with one common goal: to stop the development of offshore wind energy off the coast of New Jersey. We are extremely concerned with the speed at which development is moving without comprehensive research evaluating the true effects on our environment, economy, tourism, fisheries, wildlife and coastal communities. Protect Our Coast NJ does NOT support large scale offshore wind! Protect Our Coast NJ does NOT support offshore drilling! Protect Our Coast NJ does NOT support the industrialization of the oceans!

Protect Our Coast NJ is focused on three goals…

  • Awareness - Just a short while ago, very few NJ residents were aware of the state and federal plans for offshore wind development. We take pride in knowing our group has raised local, regional and national public awareness of the environmental impacts of offshore wind.

  • Education - Our group has highlighted and shared the known risks and dangers, informed the public of the experimental aspects as well as unknowns intentionally omitted from the ads by wind developers, politicians and those with vested interests.

  • Action - We have taken action in our towns by meeting and sharing our concerns with our politicians, the Board of Public Utilities, offshore wind companies as well as family, friends and neighbors. We respectfully request that you do the same. Please volunteer your expertise and stay tuned for upcoming events, protests and civic engagements. 

Protect Our Coast NJ is an independent, non-partisan, all volunteer (no paid staff) citizen activist group based in New Jersey.

Protect Our Coast New Jersey is a 501 (c)(3) designated charitable nonprofit organization that is dedicated to protecting our oceans, our shores, and preserving the views and small businesses that have made the NJ shore a premier vacation destination for over a century. POCNJ is opposed to any and all industrial exploitation of the coastal and marine ecosystem--including, but not limited to, oil and gas exploration and drilling, mining and offshore wind development. Your tax deductible contributions go towards protecting our coast from industrial destruction so that wildlife may thrive and families may enjoy this special place for generations to come.

To date, all support in the form of monetary donation has come from individuals in the common $25, 50, 100, 500, 1000 denominations. Every dollar raised by Protect Our Coast NJ is collected, accounted for and held for Protect Our Coast NJ’s actionable needs.

Join Us Today & Help Support The Fight! Our ocean, sea life, birds are all counting on us! It’s up to us to raise awareness and Protect Our Coast.


Everyone should know what’s going on!


Do your part and research what is proposed and what the risks are! Read up on the broad topics, attend meetings and ask questions.


Risk vs Reward - Is offshore wind really the solution?


Talk to your friends, family and neighbors. A grass roots movement is the only way to all begins with an idea.